Große Ehre für unseren deutschsprachigen Blu-ray Blog: Star Trek-HD erhält den EAE-Award von Ex Astris Scientia. Der Award wird von EAS seit 1999 an Websites verliehen, die sich auf besondere Weise mit der Kultserie Star Trek auseinandersetzen. Bernd Schneider, der uns den Award verliehen hat, schreibt in seiner Begründung für die Auszeichnung:
The EAE Award goes to a German blog that doesn’t only cover similar topics as EAS (episode and Blu-ray reviews including nitpicking). In a way, Star Trek HD is just as I would want to make my own site look and work if I had the chance to start from scratch again. Star Trek HD comes with a pleasant and modern design, with commendable navigation (in an era where menu bars are increasingly abandoned on other sites) and with a great presentation of the articles, in the preview as well as the full version. Even the ads blend in as if they were designed specifically for the site. Created by long-time fans and prop collectors Christian Hinze and Christian Bewernick, Star Trek HD has become a prime source of information on new Star Trek releases for German speaking fans. It is a compendium with a personal touch just like EAS, but also a forum for a small but active community. In any case, Star Trek HD is one of the few new fan sites that thrive on diligent work, and not on postings of funny pictures with some random text.
Wir bedanken uns bei Ex Astris Scientia für die Auszeichnung. Sie ist eine tolle Bestätigung für unsere Arbeit an dem Blog, den wir als Fans in unserer Freizeit pflegen.
Quelle: Ex Astris Scientia